Saturday, August 27, 2016

Have you ever looked at a photograph and said  "wow, that must have been taken with a really expensive camera?" Come on I bet you have. You wouldn't believe how many people have said that to me. Take a minute to think about that statement. When you have a good meal at a restaurant do you think to yourself "wow the cook must have some very expensive pots and pans?" No, of course you haven't. No one would say that, it's just absurd.
Photography is about what you see through the camera not what type of camera you have. Its about emotions. The emotions of : the photographer and the viewer.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time to join me on my photography journey. I hope that you will enjoy the features, thoughts and ideas that I share with you. Please feel free to join any conversation after all if it were not for you I would not be here.